Global CO2 Emissions Analysis

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Hello Everyone,

This is my first post to storytelling on my blog. I will posting more data stories soon.

CO2 emissions globally are impacting the world in different ways.

I have tried to create some analysis at Region and Country level to see how the impact has been overtime and whether the countries are taking any measures to control their CO2 emissions or are getting worse.

This analysis looks at some insights around –

  • trend around CO2 emissions for Regions/Countries overtime
  • at what intensity the CO2 emissions is increasing
  • which countries have improved overtime by taking measures on limiting their CO2 emissions
  • which countries have gone worse overtime
  • what is the biggest source of CO2 emissions
  • growth rate of emissions overtime to check if the countries have improved or got worse

The data for this analysis has been taken from the freely available data repository on git-hub:

Look forward to the valuable feedback from the community members.


2 thoughts on “Global CO2 Emissions Analysis

  1. Hello Pragati,

    I have seen lot of videos in YouTube and very impressive knowledge you have shared. Kudos 👏. I want CO2 emission dashboard pbix file. Could you please share if possible to understand and learning purpose. May be I will take the reference of that and wanted to create dashboards.

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